Vibration Isolation Mounts With Oval flange(without failsafe)

Vibration Isolation Mounts With Oval flange(without failsafe)

Machine Mount(without failsafe) with oval flange

.Elastomer: Natural Rubber
.Hardness: 60/70 ShA
.Metal part: Steel, zinc plated
.Tolerance: ISO 3302-1 M2

No. P/N D H G d D2 CF L s Permissible
Static Load
Spring Load
N/mm +/-20%
PBF6037A 48 23 M8 6.2 38 68 81 1.5 2500 1250 2
PBF6038A 60 31 M10 8.3x16 46 75-90 106 3 5000 2500 2
PBF6039A 77 30 M10 9 59 110 128 2 8750 3500 2.5
PBF6040A 82 35 M10 11 64 110 128 3 6250 2500 2.5
PBF6041A 92 45 M12 10.5 73.5 138-146 138 3 8250 3300 2.5
PBF6042A 106 38 M12 14x18 81 160 172 3 10250 4100 2.5
PBF6043A 108 50 M16 16.5 83 158 190 5 9600 3200 3
PBF6044A 121 42 M16 13.5 92 158 188 3 10200 3400 3
PBF6045A 144 48 M16 14x18 120 186 216 4 10800 3600 3